
Wayne Beck Osteopath


Wayne trained and qualified with a masters degree in osteopathy at the European School of Osteopathy and is a registered member of both the British Institution of Osteopathy and the General Osteopathic Council in the UK.

Wayne utilises a broad set of treatment approaches in his practice including strong structural techniques with manipulations, a more mild and movement based classical approach and also a very gentle and subtle approach known as cranial osteopathy which can be used to address certain bodily mechanisms and membranous strain patterns. Wayne likes to keep an open mind to treatment and believes in the importance of using a broad spectrum of techniques as he understands that no two people are the same and that some techniques are just not appropriate for all.

Wayne strongly believes that osteopathy is not so much about finding the problem but more about finding health. In his practice he has had great results with treating patients of all ages for a number of different types of complaints such as, general low back pain and sciatica, mechanical neck pain, tension type headaches and migraine prevention, muscular strains and spasms, frozen shoulder and elbow pain, joint pain and has been able to help with some minor sports injuries.

Wayne is also experienced in the paediatric aspect of Osteopathy and has had success with treating new born babies and infants with a number of conditions using a very gentle and subtle cranial approach. Some of these conditions include help with some of the symptoms that may cause colic, winding and latching issues, trouble with sleeping, torsional strain patterns that may have been caused by a complicated birth process and all round general discomfort.

Wayne provides treatments in and around the Seaford area and is also available for home visits.

For more information, or to make an appointment, please contact us.

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